Rhinoplasty more commonly known as a nose job refers to the plastic surgery process of altering the nose according to a patient’s preference.

Even though rhinoplasty is not a painful procedure, patients getting it done require some patience as the recovery process takes time and the results are not fully evident until a full year after the surgery. However, during the recovery time patients could take some steps that can help them speed up the recovery process and make sure that everything is going right. Let’s look at some tips for rhinoplasty recovery.

Follow Doctor Instructions

Doctor Kallman of Facemiami stresses on the importance of doctors’ instructions as Sometimes, patients try to be doctors themselves and neglect the doctor’s instructions. Relying on false information could prove to be very dangerous because if one does anything to their surgical site or take a medicine that has not been prescribed to them by their doctor they could end up with devastating and irreversible side effects. This is why it is recommended for patients to follow all doctor instructions and not rely on information provided to them by other people or websites online.

Attend All Follow-Up Appointments

Patients must make sure that they attend all follow-up appointments because in follow-up appointments Dr. Kallman makes sure that the surgery site is healing well and gives further advice or medication to patients to make sure that they get a positive result. Missing follow-up appointments could be very harmful to a rhinoplasty recovery patient as their doctor will be unable to examine their surgery site or spot any possible issues that may not be fixed if detected late.

Listen To Your Body

Doctors are only able to examine a patient’s nose from outside, but it is extremely important that the patient feels comfortable with their nose job. Dr. Kallman advises his patients to listen to their body and if something does not feel right and they feel any discomfort he recommends patients to come to see him at Facemiami located in Miami city, Florida so that he can make sure that the patient leaves satisfied and all the issues have been resolved.

Eat Healthy

Maintaining a healthy diet post-surgery is very crucial for a positive healing process. Our bodies require a lot of nutrients, proteins, and vitamins to heal itself, Thus, Dr. Kallman advises his patients recovering from any plastic surgery to eat a healthy protein-rich diet consisting of yogurt, fish, nuts, etc as protein is an essential element of every cell in a human body and it helps build and repair skin, tissues, and muscles, etc. Eating green vegetables like kale and spinach can help patients avoid getting any viruses as they help boost the immune system. Citrus fruits are also great for the skin as they help in the regeneration of collagen which is an important protein that connects the skin tissue.

Avoid Going In Sunlight

The skin surrounding the rhinoplasty site is very sensitive and it requires a lot of care. Thus, Dr. Kallman recommends his patients to avoid sun exposure as it could be dangerous for the skin surrounding the surgery site because the site could get sunburnt, and also the sun can darken any scars on the skin.

Say No To Glasses

Rhinoplasty Patients are recommended to not wear any kinds of glasses ranging from sunglasses to reading glasses as that could put pressure on the nose bruising or swelling. In worst cases, if one wears heavy glasses frequently after the surgery there is a huge chance that they might require a revision rhinoplasty. All patients are recommended to wait for Dr. Kallman’s advice as he lets all patients know when it is safe to wear sunglasses again. In the meantime, it is advised to switch to contact lenses and if one must wear glasses it is best to find the lightest possible frame.

Avoid Strenuous Exercise

It takes around 6 weeks for the nose bone to heal, during that time patients are recommended to avoid any vigorous exercise such as itching, stretching, or bending the nose as that could seriously harm the nose and cause swelling. Patients are recommended to wait for Dr. Kallman’s green signal before easing back into their normal routine.

Don’t Blow Your Nose

Patients may feel congestion and discomfort for a few months after surgery and it may be tempting for them to blow their noses. However, blowing the nose is the worst thing a patient recovering from rhinoplasty could do. The surgery site is very sensitive for a few weeks after the surgery and it could be severely damaged if one blows their nose vigorously or sneezes. Thus, Dr. Kallman recommends patients wait till around 6 weeks post-surgery to blow their noses. In the meantime, patients could try sneezing through their mouth and use a saline nasal spray if recommended by the doctor to moisturize the nasal passage. This may sound like a lot of hassle but the results of getting a rhinoplasty from Dr.Kallman at Facemiami makes all the discomfort and struggle worth it.

Rest And Focus On Healing

The human body needs rest and time to heal after any surgery. Patients should rest and take some time off from their busy schedule and sports activities so that their bodies can heal and rejuvenate. This also minimizes the chances of the nose area suffering any injury or damage.

Avoid Taking Showers And Take Baths Instead

Avoid getting water in the bandages for the first week after the procedure. Taking a shower can easily make the bandages wet and cause issues, Thus, Instead, it is best to take a bath and clean the face with a damp cloth. Last but not least the most essential tip of recovery is to just be patient and trust Dr. Kallman and his team because they promise the best results to all their plastic surgery patients. In case of any complications, Dr.Kallman and his team are always ready to assist their patients at Facemiami located in Miami, Florida.


Face Miami’s Dr. Brandon Kallman, MD. brings over 27 years of experience as an Aesthetic, Cosmetic, and Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to his prestigious practice. Miami men and women trust his extensive expertise in a diverse range of facial cosmetic procedures, and he’s renowned as a rhinoplasty specialist.