Who is a Fat Grafting Candidate?
Good candidates for fat grafting need to have adequate fat available. This is the most crucial requirement since it’s an autologous procedure (it’s your fat, just transplanted, like a hair transplant. It’s your own fat, not rejected!!) It requires your own fat to be removed from areas of excess, purified, and reinjected. Candidates for facial fat grafting can be those who continually purchase facial filler treatments and would like to opt for a more permanent result. Aging and weight loss often lead to loss of fat pads in the face, which create the aging face. Excellent locations for facial fat injection include the cheeks, under eyes, temples, nasolabial folds, jawline, and back of the hands.

How long does it last?
Fat stem cells take hold in their new location, establish a blood supply and remain as living tissue in the new location.
Fat grafting is designed to be permanent; however, the aging process can be unpredictable, and a person’s original facial fat may diminish over time. Having said that, many patients enjoy decades of soft, natural-looking results.
Does Fat Grafting Feel Natural?
This procedure results in 100% natural fat volume, so once inflammation resolves, it feels just like real fat elsewhere on your body.
How is Fat Grafting Performed?
A small liposuction cannula draws fat from areas of excess like the abdomen or inner knees. The fat is processed to purify it, then it is transferred to syringes for injection. It’s injected via microdroplets in thread patterns to maximize structural support and survivability of fat cells.
What is recovery like after Fat Injections?
Minor bruising is possible but rare. You’ll be advised to avoid pressure directly on the treatment areas for a few weeks, and we’ll let you know when you’re cleared to have facials or other facial skin treatments.
Dr. Brandon Kallman,
Miami's Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon
Face Miami’s Dr. Brandon Kallman, MD. is Miami’s best rhinoplasty surgeon. He brings over 27 years of experience as an Aesthetic, Cosmetic, and Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to his prestigious practice. Miami men and women trust his extensive expertise in a diverse range of facial cosmetic procedures, and he’s renowned as a rhinoplasty specialist.
When choosing a board certified surgeon, it is important to select a doctor with skill and experience. Dr. Brandon Kallman is rated 5 stars on Ratemd, Healthgrade, Vitals, and Real Self, can help you create a result that fits in with your other features and looks natural. He can also help you understand the benefits and limitations of your chosen procedure, so that you can Make The Decision That Is Right For You.